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  • Exploring the History of St. Augustine, the Oldest Permanent European Settlement in the U.S.

    Here's a lesson plan we have written to meet the Standard Set by Florida Dept. of Education 2023 , focusing on the history of St. Augustine. Please note that this lesson plan is just a rough guide and may need to be adapted to suit the specifics of your field trip and the needs of your students.

St Augustine 4th Grade Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Exploring the History of St. Augustine, the Oldest Permanent European Settlement in the U.S.


  • SS.4.A.1.1: Analyze primary and secondary resources to identify significant individuals and events throughout Florida history.
  • SS.4.A.3.3: Identify the significance of St. Augustine as the oldest permanent European settlement in the United States.
  • SS.4.A.3.7: Identify nations (Spain, France, England) that controlled Florida before it became a United States territory.


  • Students will be able to analyze primary and secondary resources to identify key events and figures in the history of St. Augustine.
  • Students will understand the significance of St. Augustine as the oldest permanent European settlement in the United States.
  • Students will identify the nations that controlled Florida, including St. Augustine, before it became a U.S. territory.


  • Field trip to St. Augustine
  • Guidebooks or electronic resources about St. Augustine
  • St. Augustine History Activity Book (provided by See America Tours)


  1. Introduction (Pre-visit): Discuss the history of St. Augustine, highlighting its significance as the oldest permanent European settlement in the United States. Discuss the different nations (Spain, France, England) that controlled Florida before it became a U.S. territory.

  2. Field Trip: Visit key historical sites in St. Augustine, such as the Castillo de San Marcos, the Colonial Quarter Museum, and the Old School House. Use the St. Augustine History Activity Book to engage students with the history and significance of these sites.

  3. Analysis of Primary and Secondary Resources: During the visit, encourage students to analyze the information provided at each historical site (primary resources) as well as the information provided in the guidebooks or electronic resources (secondary resources).

  4. Discussion: After the visit, facilitate a class discussion about the historical significance of St. Augustine. Discuss the different nations that controlled St. Augustine and Florida before it became a U.S. territory.

  5. Assessment: Assess students' understanding through a quiz, a short essay, or a project about the history of St. Augustine.

Homework/Extension Activities:

  • Students can create a timeline of the history of St. Augustine, including significant events and figures.
  • Students can research more about the nations that controlled Florida before it became a U.S. territory and present their findings to the class.

Notes for Future Improvement:

  • After the lesson, evaluate its effectiveness and make note of any areas for improvement. Consider student feedback, engagement during the field trip, and performance on the assessment.

Remember, this is a rough guide, so feel free to adapt this plan to better suit the needs of your students and the specifics of your field trip to St. Augustine.